Sunday, 3 May 2015

Ideas For Making Life Easier On Crutches

If you've recently injured yourself badly enough to require crutches, you're probably realizing how difficult life on crutches can be. Awkwardness, soreness and an inability to carry out the most simple of tasks can be hard to deal with for the newbie. Your first time on crutches will coincide with pain, loss of independence and lifestyle. However, it gets better, so relax and don't let the initial difficulties get you down.

Don't stress too much during your first few days

A number of adjustments will take place during your first few days of using crutches. One major adjustment which allowed me to cope was simply getting used to moving at a slower pace. At first, I found it extremely frustrating, and struggled to tolerate the pace at which I was able to do simple things, such as go to the toilet or make a sandwich. However, those feelings fade to an extent, leaving you less aware of how slow you're going. Your brain becomes used to it.

Learning simple tricks and better methods

The first days on crutches are also the most difficult as you haven't yet figured out the most efficient and comfortable ways of getting things done. 

The above is an example of something you'd probably never think to do. Although this is taking it a bit far, there are people who've tried this. My point is that as you use crutches, you figure little things out which makes life a little easier.

You may slightly modify the setup of your living room or you may learn positions, angles to do minor tasks. For example, I had a rather stupid habit of trying to reach into the fridge whilst standing on both crutches. This left me straining and leaning in awkwardly and I was mostly unable to reach anything in the fridge. Surprisingly, It took me a while to get to the point where I'd lean a crutch on the wall before I opened the fridge.

The smallest things can be a big deal

The most minor of obstacles can cause you to either fall, or stumble, potentially worsening your injury or even causing another injury. When you're new to crutches, you likely haven't begun doing the important little things, such as keeping your bedroom floor clear, or removing rugs or other obstacles that can be either annoying or dangerous. As you realize what needs to be changed in your home to make hobbling safer and easier, you'll find that getting around is less of a hassle.  

Also, it's a good idea to identify the things that require you to reach or lean awkwardly and have them moved to where you can easily access them.


If you have armpit soreness, do a simple search online for special padding you can get for your crutches. There's both armpit and also hand padding.

Overall, you will get used to crutches, and will develop your own ways of doing things more efficiently. 

What are some of the positive impacts? 

The pain and inability to move quickly will give you a new appreciation for the struggles experienced every day by disabled people, such as those with Cerebral Pausly. The permanently disabled have to commit themselves to struggles with discomfort and loss of independence that you will struggle to cope with for relatively short period of time. Your temporary stay in their world will leave you with more empathy for those whose mobility is affected by age or disability. You will also be left with a greater feeling of humility and an appreciation of the smaller things in life, such as carrying a sandwich and a glass of water from your kitchen to your living room.

They start conversations

It can also slightly restore your faith in humanity, when you realize how many random people will make a bit of effort to help you out. Whether its holding a door open for you, or offering to carry your items in a store, people are actually quite helpful. Also, people want to know what happened, so being on crutches can be a good conversation starter. It's rare to have these kinds of encounters with strangers in everyday life.