Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Umbrellas For People On Crutches

When you're new to crutches, you may mistakenly get the impression that your lack of ability to use your hands means that you have to get wet. Rather than resigning yourself to a life of getting drenched, take a look at these options which allow for hands free use of an umbrella.

I'm going to show you 2 different options for keeping dry on crutches.

Firstly, here is an option that is essentially an umbrella hat.

I think most people would agree that they'd feel a little funny wearing one of these. However, they are completely hands-free, and are effective with an unfolded width of 32 " (82cm). These are designed to fit securely to your head and are often used by golfers, fisherman and hunters. This could be an option worth considering. If you're looking for a proper umbrella which can be used without hands, please continue reading as the next product to be discussed will suit you perfectly

This hat is available on Amazon 

Hands free over the shoulder umbrella

This cleverly designed over-the-shoulder umbrella holder is designed to carry all types of umbrellas and is made from lightweight durable nylon material. It comes with a very handy pouch, which is large enough to carry items such as bottles of water or other similar sized objects that can be difficult to carry when hobbling along on crutches. For people on crutches, any extra help with carrying things is often very much needed. The pocket size is ample, with measurements 9" by 9.5".

This product is available on Amazon

Using crutches already adds several levels of discomfort and inconvenience to your life. Sore armpits, sore wrists, slow movement and an inability to carry simple objects can take their toll on people who are already struggling with pain and sleep deprivation. Being wet and cold is the last thing you need when struggling to get around. 

Many people are lucky enough to be able to relax and recover at home, having their shopping delivered and errands taken care of. However, if you're not one of these people, and still have to get out and about to take care of yourself, then this umbrella may be worth considering. This is especially the case for those who live in wet climates.